On Losing 100 Pounds And Keeping It Off
Kendra lost 100 pounds and kept it off. She did not do it with diets or surgeries. She did it by using a simple process that she discovered. She had no idea how much it would change her weight and her life. But before Kendra discovered how to permanently lose the weight, she learned what did not work.
Kendra was a pro at losing weight. Her focus was always on losing weight. Looking back over her history, she lost as much as 300 pounds. The problem was that years later she had little to show for it.
The 300 pound weight loss would have been impressive. But, when she first started to lose weight she weighed less than 200 pounds. The most she had ever weighed was 240 pounds.
Where did the 300 pounds come from? She lost and gained and lost and gained the same weight over and over and over for years.
Why would anyone want to do that? Why would anyone want to torture themselves to that degree? They don’t. That is why Kendra stopped doing it to herself. She made a decision to permanently lose the weight. That is when her life began to change for the better in every aspect.