When You Are Setting Your Goals Start Small With Short-Term Goals

Originally published by Karen on January 4, 2023. Since it's so close to the end of this year, a previously published post about goal-setting seemed like a good idea. Originally posted on Karen's former blog, this timeless strategy will help you with whatever goals you might be thinking about. Take action, start small, and go big! Learning how to set short-term goals will help you achieve more. Have you ever set short-term goals for yourself? Did you learn about goals in school but never really set…

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Resolutions, Intentions, and Goals – Make Your Plan and Be Successful

Originally published by Karen on December 30, 2022. Are you thinking about setting some New Year’s Resolutions? Keep these 3 things in mind. 1.            Resolution comes from the word “resolve.” They are not “Intentions.” 2.            Resolutions will fail nearly 100% of the time without a plan. 3.            Measuring your progress is an integral part of achieving your resolutions. Pic by "Pexels" I have seen no less than three articles in the last two weeks that substituted the word resolutions with intentions. And some argue for using…

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Afternoon Sleepiness? Here’s How to Wake Up!

Originally published Karen on September 15, 2022. Do you get sleepy after lunch? Many people do, including me. In fact, many countries have a siesta in the afternoon. (Although there are many theories to the origins of this tradition.) It is normal to get tired after eating and also when your circadian rhythms dip. That is biological. But, did you know you can do a few things to wake yourself up? (Or, if you prefer and can, just take a nap. In which case, skip this…

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A Simple Remedy Helped My Husband With His Allergies. It Could Help You Too!

Originally published by Karen on September 5, 2022. If you suffer from seasonal allergies, this is for you. This isn’t an exercise topic. However, if your allergies keep you from exercising, there might be something simple you can do to keep those symptoms at bay. photo: PublicDomainPictures My husband used to have horrible seasonal allergies. Around 2006, we noticed that his symptoms were not nearly as bad as they had been. We didn’t really question too much as to why. We were just thankful that they…

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Use These 4 Terms to Build the Ideal Workout for You to Get Results Faster

Originally published by Karen on August 29, 2022. In my last post, “Get Stronger and Healthier Faster With These 4 Terms”, you learned about the main terms used in designing strength training programs. Now I’ll explain how they are used. You will see the results you aim for faster when you use these correctly. You don’t want to waste your time working out inefficiently. Design your workouts smarter so that you get the most out of them. Let’s start with the warm-up. Remember that a warm-up…

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All That Exercise Jargon Adds Up – Strong Muscles, Better Balance, Better Quality of Life As We Age

Originally published by Karen on August 19, 2022. Learning the terms used in fitness will help you feel more confident as you begin your fitness journey. Many people feel awkward and out of place the first time they begin to exercise – whether with the help of a personal trainer or on their own. Not everyone has been exposed to the jargon used in fitness or knows that this language can greatly benefit them. We hear exercise talk in everyday life – TV, radio, friends talking,…

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4 Tips On How to Approach Misleading Headlines and Blurbs, Especially When They Are Reporting Research Findings

Originally published by Karen on November 11, 2020. photo by Bennett Tobias We all know that headlines and blurbs (short descriptions of articles) can be misleading.  In fact, we run across misleading headlines every day.  The most common ones online are those that are used as clickbait.  They mention a subject, for example, McDonald’s new hamburger is one of the best things about fast food right now, and this is how it will change the way we eat!  But, when you click on it to read…

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What counts as exercise?

Originally published by Karen on March 19, 2019. “I vacuumed yesterday.  Doesn’t that count as exercise?” photo by The Creative Exchange I hear this, or something similar, from people, including my clients, just about every week.  (Although my clients know my answer if they’ve worked with me for a while.  Some just ask me to be funny.)  Here’s the short answer.  No. A little longer answer is this:  You exercise so that you can DO those everyday things, like vacuuming, gardening, hanging Christmas lights, volunteering at…

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Do Your Joints Hurt In Cold Weather? Here’s Why and 6 Natural Remedies to Help Ease the Pain

Originally published by Karen on December 8, 2018. Get out there and enjoy winter!Photo by Nicolai Berntse Lately, many of my clients have been mentioning painful joints.  Since we've had such widely changing weather here heading into winter, I ask them if their pain correlates to weather changes.  Most say that it does.  So, what causes this?  And, is there anything we can do to ease this pain? Reasons Why Cold Weather Can Make Your Joints Hurt There is no one reason for cold weather causing…

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The One Thing You Can Do to Beat the Most Popular Excuse for Not Working Out

Originally published by Karen on July 24, 2018. What tops the list of excuses for not exercising?  “I don’t have time.”  Well, we all have the same amount of time, every single day.  And, many people have good, consistent fitness programs AND are also successful business people, family people, and social people.  How do they do it?  Here’s one way. Schedule your workouts.  Schedule them like you would an important appointment.  Write it down in your planner, enter it into your digital calendar, put it on the…

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Oh No! Injury!

Originally published by Karen on July 3, 2018. As I sit here with ice on my knee, I am reminded once more that injuries suck.  This time it is a knee which has had three surgeries and is now arthritic.  Every three or four years, part of my knee gets inflamed and very sore.  It could be a weird step, twist, or perhaps, overdoing it.  I’m not sure what did it this time.  Maybe a combination of things?  I’d been watching the World Cup while doing…

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How to Help Ease the Pain from Plantar Fasciitis

Originally published by Karen on May 31, 2018. Grab a Big Bowl and a Book! Many of you have had plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia) and know how painful and disruptive to your life it is.  The plantar fascia is a thick tendon which runs along the bottom of the foot.  It basically connects the heel to the toes.  When this gets overly inflamed, it becomes nearly unbearable to walk normally.  Your doctor will diagnose you with it and recommend treatment.  About ten years…

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